Noise Control Solutions for Education
Combat reverberation in classrooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums and other educational spaces with our ceiling and wall products to help improve focus, speech intelligibility, learning and recall.
Combat reverberation in classrooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums and other educational spaces with our ceiling and wall products to help improve focus, speech intelligibility, learning and recall.
Noises from outside schools, within the building and within classrooms can all cause auditory disturbances.
Poor classroom acoustics are not conducive to learning, especially for students with hearing or learning difficulties.
Studies have shown that acoustics play a vital role in both the delivery and comprehension of lessons.
Featured Product:
S-3100 Tackable Wall Panels are perfect for conference rooms, classrooms, offices and any area that could benefit from a central place to tack messages. Manufactured to serve as a tack panel, S-3100 Tackable Panels also offer some sound absorption.