Dalkia Aegis, EDF Group has been a pioneer in green technology for decades. A manufacturer of Combined Heat and Power systems (CHP), Dalkia Aegis has helped countless businesses gain grid independence through on-site energy production. In recent years, as energy costs have steadily risen and as more and more corporations have adopted greening initiatives, acceptance and understanding of and demand for CHP, have likewise increased. In order to keep up with customer demand, Dalkia Aegis sought out and moved into a more expansive facility.
Special Sound Curtains for a CHP Specialist
Dalkia Aegis, EDF Group | Holyoke, Massachusetts
The Situation
The Problem
With extra floor space at their disposal, management made the decision to create an in-house testing area where members of the operations and engineering teams could ensure proper operation of CHP systems prior to their shipment to customers.
The rub?
The testing area would be created in the production area, a space comprised of a concrete floor, corrugated metal walls and a concrete ceiling. As such, measures for sound control were required given the needs of the space including the proximity to other worker areas and the noise outputs that were expected to be generated from the machines.
Added complexities?
The solution needed to be both cost-effective and modular, accommodating access to both bridge cranes and the systems themselves as they moved in and out of the area for testing.
The Solution
To find a solution, management enlisted the help of DDS Acoustical Specialties, LLC. With familiarity of the benefits of Sound Seals’ products, DDS Acoustical Specialties recommended an application of their BBC 13-2 acoustic curtains. Constructed from two-inch thick cloth faced quilted fiberglass absorber bonded to a one-pound per square-foot reinforced loaded vinyl barrier, BBC 13-2 curtains are a composite product serving as both a noise barrier and a sound absorber in one — and moreover, they meet the additional requirements outlined by management.
The curtains were suspended via grommets down from an existing structure in the building and fixed on a roller track. To help with modularity, quick release hardware was retrofitted to allow swift removal of the curtains, as needed. Visually, the curtains created a pleasant sight line with their neat stitching and unassuming hue. Stitched into the BBC 13-2 curtain was Sound Seal’s B10 CV barrier, a clear product with high STC. The B10 CV would essentially become a “window”, allowing viewing in and out of the testing area, as requested by Dalkia Aegis.
The Results
Sound testing after the curtains were installed revealed a 10 -15 dB reduction, confirming that DDS Acoustical Specialties’ suggestion of BBC 13-2 was a sound one.
Of the project, Kevin Molongoski, project manager for Dalkia Aegis, EDF Group, stated, “[it was] totally successful. The noise reduction was significant, and just as important, the arrangements of the curtains is so simple and efficient. Everyone on the production floor is very happy with the results.”