Impacta division of Sound Seal expands into aesthetically pleasing and durable sports flooring.
AGAWAM, Mass.–August 2, 2017–Sound Seal, a leading manufacturer of acoustical and noise control products serving the industrial, architectural, commercial and construction industries, is pleased to introduce ProBase Sport. ProBase Sport is our new line of sports flooring designed for all workout type facilities including commercial and residential gyms.
ProBase Sport offers a number of benefits to your workout, such as increasing your comfort level in order to ensure a safe and injury free experience along with sub-floor and equipment protection. Our ProBase L, XL and XXL offer all of the necessary resilience and toughness to stand up against the abrasive environment of weight training facilities and the associated equipment and activities that take place in that space. “We are very excited to expand into sports flooring.With over fifteen years of acoustical underlayment experience, this was a logical next step in expanding our product portfolio,” said Jamie Vallee, Impacta product manager for Sound Seal.“While this product is not a traditional underlayment, it does add acoustical value by reducing footfall noise.”
Packaged in rolls, tiles or interlocking tiles, ProBase Sport lends itself to all spaces, both commercial and residential. Visit our website to learn more.
About Sound Seal
Since 1978, Sound Seal has been a leading manufacturer of acoustical noise control products offering the widest product selection in the soundproofing industry with innovative solutions and outstanding customer service. Sound Seal consists of three product divisions: the Industrial Division that addresses in-plant noise control and environmental noise control; the Architectural Division that handles interiors and finishes, including an award winning line of WoodTrends products; and the Impacta Flooring Division that offers floor underlayments. For more information, please call 413-789-1770.
For more information, contact:
Jennifer Chagnon
Marketing Director for Sound Seal